Political Awareness and Involvement


The Madison County (MS) Alumnae Chapter can boast a membership with 100% registered voters. As voting residents, chapter members are active in various events throughout the year which include political awareness forums and rallies, voter registration drives, voting rights, candidate forums, information on election and political initiatives, census updates, civil rights issues, and providing resources for those in need. Many of our Political Awareness and Involvement activities are in collaboration with our Social Action initiatives. The chapter hosts a number of events, participates with other MS chapters of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. in Delta Days at the MS Capitol, and sends a representative to participate in Delta Days at the Nation’s Capital. 

Our Political Awareness and Involvement programs have been award winning events, achieving multiple Distinguished Service Awards at Regional Conferences for our Voter ER (Education and Registration/Restoration) initiatives. 

Related Projects

Voter ER (Education and Registration/Restoration)

Our voter education program centers on political forums and symposiums that allow members of the community to engage with local officials and potential candidates, and to learn about the roles and responsibilities of various elected positions. Our programs have provided panel and question-and-answer session with candidates seeking local, state, and congressional offices. During our forums and symposiums, information on voter rights, voting rules, voter turn-out rates, and voter registration is provided. 

Voter registration efforts involve neighborhood “canvasing” activities and our voter registration events that we have coordinated at local high school football and basketball games. The goals are to increase the number of registered voters and to encourage members of the community to vote. The events focus on addressing low voter turn-out areas in and around Madison County.

Voter restoration programs center on expungement clinics during which participants receive resources and information on the process of expungement. Volunteer attorneys help to walk participants through the process and help them to complete the paperwork required to achieve expungement. The goal of the clinics is to increase the number of individuals that can restore voter rights and also provide support for the expungement process which also impacts economic outcomes. 

Judicial Forum

The Judge's Roundtable Judicial Forum was designed to educate the community on the judicial system. Forum participants had an opportunity to meet and ask questions of local judges, understand the differences in the various types of courts within the judicial system, and gain knowledge of juvenile justice resources. Five judges from Hinds, Madison, and Lincoln Counties shared knowledge about the youth court, justice court, circuit court, and chancery court.

Community Block Party

The community Block Partner was a health and resource fair that provided health screenings, community assistance, voter registration for the community.

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